Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Week 2: Favorite Childhood Memory

I don't know if I have 1 specific childhood memory but my childhood best friend has always been my cousin Alyssa. We like to say we have been "friends since we were peas!" or FSWWP. lol We're so silly!

We have literally been through everything together. Playing on the play scape at McDonalds while her dad drank coffee and read the paper, running out of the tub screaming NAKEY BABIES!!! riding tricycles around the parking lot, reading Barney books, pretending to be sleeping when her mom came in, Cabbage Patch dolls, "go-away-monster-spray" aka Lysol when we were scared of the dark, playing with Arron, going to Barbra's house (I was always scared of her for some reason), always being right up to her nose, American girl dolls, her first "boyfriend", sneaking out of the house and almost going to McDonalds but being too scared LOL!! the best part was we thought we got away with it! girl scouts, Camp Mayonnaise, youth group, camp fire, homeschool, both being in love with Beans, hating our mothers, and now were talking about and going through college. WOW!

There are many many many more memories that I can't think of right now and there are many many more to come. But I am so grateful for an awesome friend like my Lissy.
<3<3<3 I LOVE YOU CHICA!!! <3<3<3
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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Still Working on Beauty..

Taken at Magic Wings Butterfly conservatory August 2011

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Sorry it's so small..if yoiu click on you can see it bigger.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Week 1: What is Beauty?

Give your own definition of this, what do you think makes someone beautiful? (and remember KEEP Ed OUT OF THIS!) if you would like, a suggestion I got, was to ask people you know pretty well what kind of beauty they see in you.. you very well might be surprised about what you hear.. and who knows you might find something out about yourself that you didn't know.

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Ok, so, to me I think what makes me beautiful is that I'm full of love. When I asked people what they thought was beautiful about me, they said things like, I'm very compassionate, caring, kind, giving, self-less, open/ accepting.. And it reminded me of things that Paul talks about in his first letter to the Corinthians. In chapter 13 he talks about love. In the beginning of his letter, he says that all the good things he does, even Godly things..mean nothing unless he has love. Then he goes on to explain in great detail exactly what love is. I think that someone with these attributes of love, is a beautiful person and I'm grateful to God for his beautiful love that he gives me, unconditionally, everyday. God is love and without him I am nothing.

What this is all about

A friend of mine from EDA started this "inspirational journal" project, yet to be named officially..

Each week, there will be an assigned topic for one page of your book, blog or anything else you can think of to do. The creativity part is all on you. :) there is tons of room for your own creative touch.


There aren't really any rules except 1: DO NOT include anything that is ED based. aka pictures of scales, models, ect.

So that's pretty much it..I need to get away from ED thoughts and this is going to be my creative outlet to do so!